We hope to see you at one of these events!

Sunday Services

We meet every Sunday for worship, a message, and ministry! We’d love to see you!


Regular Events

Community Night

Join Whitney Mays, the Hope House, and a community of people to fellowship together and eat at Gateway Church.


Jujitsu Classes

Basic jujistu for ages 12 and up. Free of charge.


Women’s Brunch

Join Pastor Debbie for a brunch and time in the Word and Worship

2nd Saturdays @ 11AM

Sunday Morning Encounter Sharing

Want to learn about encountering God on a daily basis? Use this class to learn and to share about your time with Jesus.


Men’s Breakfast

Join the men at Gateway Church at 3361 State Road 227 North in Richmond


Prayer and Intercession

Prayer over our region meets Sunday mornings in the prayer room and Wednesdays in the Sanctuary with Pastor Deb


Celebrate Passover

Celebrate Passover

Join us for a night for us to eat the last supper just like Jesus did on the night before his crucifixion. This was a Passover meal, which we will provide the tastes of the Passover plate and the explanation. You will experience Jesus in the Passover. Tickets available free of charge.

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Journey to the Core
to Sep 29

Journey to the Core

Join us for the month of September to recenter our journey as Gateway Church to the core of who you are and who we are. Every Sunday at 10:30am and 6pm, September 8-29.

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William Federer

William Federer

William Federer is a nationally known public speaker, a best-selling author and the president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage. His American Minute radio feature is broadcast daily across America and on the Internet. His Faith in History television series airs on the TCT Network and via DirectTV. A former U.S. Congressional Candidate, Bill has appeared on numerous major media outlets and has been quoted in many national publications. His first book, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, has sold more than a half million copies.

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Healing in the Courts of Heaven
to Aug 27

Healing in the Courts of Heaven

The Bible is clear: God’s will is to heal! And yet, believers often pray for healing and do not receive it. Why? The answer can be found in the Courts of Heaven.

Robert Henderson is internationally recognized for teaching the Courts of Heaven prayer strategy, which has brought breakthrough, answered prayers, and miraculous transformation to countless lives. In this Leader’s Guide, Henderson helps you identify and break the hindrances that keep your healing from being released.

You can use this resource in a small group or class accompanying the video sessions, or you can work through the transformational exercises individually. Through the revelatory devotional entries, breakthrough prayers, and activations that help you implement the Courts of Heaven prayer strategy, you will actually go through the process of taking sickness before the Judge of Heaven and asking Him to render healing on your behalf!

Satan is the adversary to God’s will and God’s people. In the Courtrooms of Heaven, he brings charges against believers to prevent their healing. Through this interactive leader’s guide, you will receive instruction on how to lead a small group, Bible study or church class into the Courts of Heaven to receive and release God’s healing power.

• Identify hindering spirits, barriers, and legal rights that prevent healing.

• Break curses and strongholds that give satan destructive access to your health.

• Pray in a breakthrough dimension according to God’s purposes.

• Release the healing verdict of atonement from the Courts of Heaven.

The Judge of Heaven wants to grant healing! Bring your prayers into His courts today!

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Dr. Leon van Rooyen
to Jul 15

Dr. Leon van Rooyen

The ministry of Dr. van Rooyen has spanned over forty years and five continents. As an Apostolic Leader, he has served as a missionary, pastor, teacher, evangelist, church planter, and relief worker throughout the globe. Dr. Leon strives to promote a love for God, a loyalty to the Church, and a passion for souls.

As Founding President of GMR, Dr. Leon exemplifies that one can have a global vision without losing sight of the individual. Although reaching the masses is never far from his mind, specific and individual needs are undoubtedly close to his heart. As a result, much of his time is spent mentoring pastors, apostles, and developing leaders. In this case, he stands firm in his conviction that empowering these individuals through training is the greatest investment he can make. Every year, Dr. Leon travels to several nations to conduct leadership-training seminars in which he imparts powerful Biblical truths into thousands of eager spiritual leaders. Ultimately, he desires to foster maturity in these individuals and to see them reach their full potential by impacting their communities.

Join us for three amazing services with Leon. Sunday at 10:30am, 6:00pm and Monday at 7pm

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Esther Chang- Mission to North Korea

Esther Chang- Mission to North Korea

Esther gave her all to her mission. Although imprisoned and tortured by both North Korea and China, sometimes destitute and always in danger, having few resources and little time for family, for the past fifteen years Esther has faithfully spread aid and the gospel witness to North Koreans.

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The God Men Equip Class
to May 19

The God Men Equip Class

John G. Lake lived his life and fulfilled his ministry in the earth as man who understood his position offered to him by Christ. John G. Lake was credited with raising over 1,000,000 converts, 625 churches and 1,250 preachers in just five years of ministry.

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Christ in the Passover

Christ in the Passover

Join us 6:30 PM on Good Friday at Gateway Church to experience Christ in the Passover. Taste and see what a Passover meal would be like, and sit at a table to taste each element.

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Derek Province

Derek Province

Derek works for Overland Mission and is a base leader in Brazil on the mission field. Derek and Chelsea have two children and are trailblazers in the kingdom of God.

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We Apologize

We Apologize

Pastor Chris and Gateway Leadership along with Indiana Bob were lied to by Ivan Tuttle and want to be transparent. As Paul rebuked people by name in the his letters, don’t be shocked by our actions. We are removing all material of Ivan Tuttle from our website and social media. Ivan deceived us by claiming a woman over 40 years younger than himself was his wife when he was married to another. We are deeply sorry for  allowing Ivan a platform and desire total transparency. If you did purchase one of his books, please return to Gateway Church and exchange it for another book in our selection.

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Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom will be showing at the AMC in Richmond, Monday July 3rd at 7:30PM. WE HAVE RESERVED AN ENTIRE THEATER. Contact office@igateway.org for tickets.

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